Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Blog Entry 7

Blog Entry # 7

It is hard for me to pick and choose and archetype in which I dislike since each are unique and important in there own ways.  This being the case I'll mention an archetype that is my least favorite, the destroyer.  The destroyer archetype is known to make revolutionary changes through brutal tactics, and act on what they find to be right.  A destroyer is additionally able to move on easier in life even through hardship.  The destroyer can be one who battles for what is considered a good cause or a loss cause in which the destroyer finds meaningful (more often then the other).  Due to this destroyers can greatly vary.

A notorious example of a destroyer is Vlad the Impaler whom when invading nations had brutally slaughtered and killed many men, women, and children to conquer there land.  Another example being Adolf Hitler who tried to seek and create a perfect race, and attempted to exterminate those who did not fit his criteria.  Yet though it seems that the well known destroyers are malicious with a cruel end goal not all destroyers are.  A destroyer can be one who fights against such causes as previously mentioned, as did the many nations who aided to stop Hitler.  Additionally without a destroyer it would be hard to make necessary revolutionary changes when needed. 

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